Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Overall Experiance

What I learned about myself during my internship were my interests, strengths and weaknesses . Some of my weaknesses were as I have stated plenty of times was the lack of movement and hands on work i expected to do. I understood that because i was not certified i was not able to help the athletes as the athletic trainers did. Although I did understand the reason for the problem it made me think twice about going through with this career; I am looking for a job in were i know the business will not be slow at times or go down hill. I think that if i volunteer during the actual sports seasons then i would get a even better experience and that is exactly what i will do after being offered to be on the sidelines during a football game by my mentor and invited to volleyball games by the actual players. Looking at some of the negatives i also found some positive things throughout my internship including on how much sports do attract me ad how i know if i do go into this field i will never get tired of being around all the different sports. I believe my biggest strength is that i am an athlete now and so i know a lot about what an athlete goes through with pain, school, and trying to improve so i would have that advantage of connecting a little more with the athletes.

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