Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Internship Objective


                 As a Monterey High School S.P.A.R.C student it is our requirement to complete a 60 hour internship in a career we choose to achieve. Since our academy is manly revolved around sports its a common internship we do a  internship  in the sports area. In the month of June 2012 i will be doing my internship with the San Jose State University Sports Medicine Program, with my mentor Scott Shaw. While visiting San Jose State with my academy it's sport medicine program really caught my attention, and while talking to some of the athlete trainers i decided to contact them about completing my internship aside of them. The thought of viewing a career i am interested in was only the beginning of my thoughts, but the  thought that i would get hands on learning was great too. One of the most important was that maybe after doing my internship with the staff at San Jose i would be able to get contacts or even recommendation letters if i would one day want to attend San Jose State. My goals mostly for this is to experience 60 hours or more in a career that i might choose, what i would be doing every day and hopefully realize if this is for me or not. 

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